Short Walk Off A Long Pier

Random thoughts...random facts....random streams of consciousness.

Monday, January 30, 2006

for ann...

i know you're working your little pootie off. so here's something i thought might bring a little smile to your face....or might just bring a little hunger to your tummy. MMM, korean barbecue = tasty doggie.

Friday, January 27, 2006


...i found this picture...and all i have to say is...yowza! time has not been kind to the Material Mom.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

re: bear in the straight world...

so last night i was talking with my best gal pal, Ann, and we were talking about who of the two of us was fatter.

Ann insisted even though she's shorter that she's fatter than I am, and I said, "hell to the no!"

I told her that while she thinks that she may be more zaftig, I believed that I was, especially since I am not judged by straight people, but by my gay brethren & sistren (it's a word...because I say so!). In the gay world, you have essentially two options of groups to join if you don't want to be invisible: Anorexic Twink or Chelsea Boy...(Wait there is a third!!!!)...or Chubby Bear.

Ann insisted she was "a Bear in the straight world." Which gave me pause...could there be such a thing? or was Ann just trying to trump my insistence that I was the fatter of she and I? I think it's the latter, because frankly, Ann doesn't like to lose...EVER!

so what do you think....which one of us looks more the bear?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

You're either in....or you're out...but there will never be too much TOOTIE!!!!

So....last week on Project Runway, the designers had a special assignment to design a skating outfit for that (troll, troll, troll) Olympic Competitor, Sasha Cohen. It was definitely something different for the designers, and it led to one of my favorite Project Runway quotes ever (besides all the mean stuff that people said about Wendy Pepper in Season 1).

Anne Slowey, one of the judges and Editor in Chief of Toe Pick Monthly, describes massively tall and massively untalented Emmett's design as "vulgar," and that it spotlights "too much tootie."

So I ask there really such a thing as too much Tootie?

Well, after much prodding.... i am on blogspot. You have Ann Yoo to thank for that...and you and you and you. Well, let's hope this is better than my former livejournal. ;)