Short Walk Off A Long Pier

Random thoughts...random facts....random streams of consciousness.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So...long time, no long pier, eh?

Hello Again.

So thanks to the inspiration of a new friend and temp in the trenches (thanks, Alexis!), I decided that it was time to kick start this enterprise again, and I say enterprise, mainly, because I'm going to see Patrick Stewart at BAM on Saturday for Macbeth! (Don't worry, the bad puns never stop)

And thank you to Nate and Jenny for making that happen. It's been a time since I last posted in October. Many things have happened, and many things have not. I think I thought moving to NYC would somehow kill my inertia. It hasn't. I am one for comfort, and I get comfortable very easily where I am. Though I must say, my previous job did move me to take drastic measures for change.

For those who did not know, recruiting is essentially a sales position in the division of Human Resources, at least at my last employer's business ("The Place That Shall Not Be Named or Spoken Of...EVER!" -- except when my former co-workers and I bitch over a pitcher of margaritas)

I was taken rather aback by that and on Christmas Day (or as I like to recall, "Independence Day"), I could not take the misery of that grindfest anymore. I left a VM (I know, tacky) for my pseudo-non-manager manager, and gave my notice.

So since then, I had spent at least three weeks completely freaking out and unemployed, but in the third week of January, I found at least a temporary place to call home...and work. Budget Travel.

Sorry, folks, that's all I'm going to write for now...Project Runway is calling.

More interesting posts, w/ humor and the like, and the interesting goings on (I am going on a date on Friday) to follow.


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