So yeah, this isn't about that movie to the left of this text. It's not about Marky Mark, I'm sorry, Mark Wahlberg and his unhealthy obsession with "Nicole 4 Eva" -- yeah, I've watched the movie a few times.
It's about the fact that I have given myself 8 weeks 'til January 19th to get the heck out of Dodge (aka Philly). I need a job and I need an apt and I'll be damned if I won't be out of here by then.
Seven years I've yammered on about how I was coming back to NYC and how I've missed my friends (neither was untrue, but I'm a little slow on the moving forward bit, so yeah, it's taken a while).
Totally freaking out here though. I've sent out about 20 resumes and cover letters in little over a week and a half or so. No answers yet (I know, follow-up calls--so important). I'm just pretty much crapping my pants in fear that I'm not going to be able to come through in the time I've allotted myself.
Which is crap, I know. I'm smart, I'm educated, I've got experience--I can be hired.
Still scared as anything, and just appreciate that various friends and family have taken time from their lives to try and help me (be it circulating resumes, looking at apt listings or talking me down from freaking myself out too much).
So love you all, see and live in the same city as you soon.
I have two last things to say (and Ann & Dave, you'll know what I'm referencing: MEOW!!! Keep it Real!!!).