Come for the Cheesesteaks...Stay for the Crack

So, this weekend I will be playing the role of Julie, The Activities Director, on The Love Boat, when Pete, Dave, Jenny & Nate make the long trek down from NYC to good ol' Philadelphia, aka The City of Brotherly Love (and no pete & dave, it's not like your sort of brotherly love).
And I must give them kudos for rushing down here so quickly, considering I've only been living here for almost 7 years now since graduating Fordham and abandoning the safe bosom of NYC.
But the important thing is that I'm not bitter. Anyways, I'm super excited to show them around town, plus we're going to be taking in a little live theatre courtesy of the Flashpoint Theatre Co.
So I'm sure there'll be some debauchery, and perhaps even some harassment of my dear friends by homeless people and/or just the friendly denizens of this fine city. And I know one thing for sure, they are going to go nuts over my homemade sauce and homemade pasta which I spent over two hours cranking out the other night. That, my friends, is what I like to call dedication. Dedication to giving my friends a good time, and a good meal.
And a shout out to my darling, Ann, and her emotionally stunted sidekick, Leah, who will be making the trek down here at the end of March. You will be missed this time around, but take a look at this picture to see what will be in store for that trip.

Quack is whack.
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